Purim Themed Fortune Cookies

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Warning: ** All Products share equipment with items containing Wheat **

Nut Free

Kosher Certified!

Types of fortunes: Over 100 different Purim wishes, jokes or trivia teasers.

Best applications:

  • Use in Purim baskets
  • Synagogue fund raisers
  • Hostess gifts

Best Selling Season: Year round

Customizing Ideas: Market to Synagogues, Hebrew Schools, and Jewish Day Schools. Market to Jewish Deli's, caterers, etc. Temple Sisterhoods may send pails to college students as a gift. Schools and Synagogues may use bulk cookies at Purim Carnivals.

Example Purim Fortunes
Haman's name is first mentioned in the third chapter of Megillah.
The word "hamantaschen" comes from the language of Yiddish.
King Ahasuerus's minister Memucan advised him to get rid of Queen Vashti.
On the night after her fast Esther had a banquet.
We fulfill the Purim mitzvah of mishloah manot by sending gifts.
Q: What is black and white and read all over?
A: The Megillah
Case Quantity:
24 Pails
Cookies in Pail:
Star K Kosher
Shelf Life:
4-6 Months

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